The Evidence

The Evidence

Empowering the World by Faith Through Dramatic Interpretation 

The Open

The Open is the groundbreaking for the seed to grow.. Nothing changes until a person starts; aCHANGE of Lifestyle starts with a Renewed mindset; what a person believes is what a person receives.


The seed (Faith -size of mustard seed) is the first tangible gift and demonstration of God’s assured promises that He Can't Lie 

Believing in what The Father has spoken about every individual’s life is more important than anything else. Align yourself with His purpose and trust in His promises.

Be the first partaker of the fruit an individual wants to bear.

(Meaning: Invest in yourself, the vision and the dream)

The Work

Stay consistent, dedicated, and open to growth. Faith and diligence together create a foundation for the manifestation of the dream and vision to life.

Nothing can happen if a person doesn't put in the work.   


Believe in yourself. the vision, the dream and the purpose.

Research, study, and put in the work (Faith without works is dead).

Never compromise the your standard, the dream or the vision (hold it dear to your heart).

Speak life over your life, the vision, the dream and protect it fiercely; keep it in the sanctuary of your heart and in prayer.

Water your vision and dream daily through prayer, affirmation of great words, and intentional action.

Expand the territory of the impossible (enlarge the territory/ multiple locations), trusting it with God, all things are achievable.

The Evidence

The Evidence is the TESTIMONY of the SEED and TIME

It's the HARVEST 

The Evidence is the fruit of faith, labor, and unwavering belief—tangible blessing of God's promises fulfilled in a person's


The benefit of sowing the seed and investing the time. After planting (investment), watering (time and work), and trusting in God's blessing, it comes to pass. The Harvest is the beauty of a person's hard labor.

Connect With Dr. Cathy

We’d love to hear from you! Whether you have questions, want to book an event, or are ready to step into your greatness, we’re here to help. Reach out and let's walk this journey of faith together!